OnePlus TV Q1 and Q1 Pro launched in India with motorized soundbar Chinese company OnePlus also launched its first Smart TV series with its premium smartphone OnePlus 7T at the OnePlus event on Thursday. This includes OnePlus TV Q1 and TV Q1 Pro . Both TVs will get a 55-inch display size. Along with this, both TVs are almost the same in terms of specification. The company first launched it in the Indian market. OnePlus TV launch event The price of OnePlus TV Q1 is 69,900 and OnePlus TV Q1 Pro is priced at Rs 99,900 . It can be purchased during the Amazon Great India Festival Sale. OnePlus TV Q1 Pro will also get a soundbar with 50 W sound output. Also read : Android 10 with fascinating features Android TV 9.0 will run on OS 1. Both OnePlus smart TVs have a 55-inch 4K resolution QLED display panel. Its design got the highest 120% NTSE score . Apart from this, almost all the specifications of TV are the same. 2. The biggest difference between the OnePlus TV Q1 ...