Huawei GT2 watch review and price in India Chinese tech company Huawei has launched GT2 smartwatch in India. Users will get a strong all rounder Kirin A1 chipset in this smartwatch. Let me tell you that this is the first smartwatch to be launched in India with this process. Earlier, Huawei launched the GT Smartwatch in the Indian market, which was fiercely bought by customers. So let's know about the price and specifications of Huawei GT2. Huawei GT2 Also read : Redmi 10000 mAh and 20000 mAh Power Banks launched Huawei GT2 specifications : The users will get a 1.39-inch AMOLED display in the 46mm model of this smartwatch. At the same time, a 1.2-inch display has been given in the 42mm variant. This smartwatch has a rating of 5 ATMs for water and dustproof. The company has provided features like Bluetooth v5.1 and GPS in this smartwatch for connectivity. This watch has a Kirin A1 processor that has been introduced specifically for wearable devices. The 4...