Upcoming smartphones in December 2019 in India Upcoming smartphones in December in India The month of November has come to an end and the smartphone industry has changed a lot. Many smartphones from popular brands to non popular brands have been launched in November. Some of the popular brands like Xiaomi, Realme, Vivo and Samsung launched their best smartphones ranging from budget segment to premium segment. Among this, some non popular brands like Motorola also entered into the smartphone industry and showcased their best smartphone. So now let's see what other smartphones are to be launched in the coming month i.e. in December 2019 in Indian market. Also read : Realme 5s launched with 48MP camera under 10,000 Best phones to buy under 20,000 Here is the list of Upcoming smartphones in December 2019 in India : Upcoming smartphones in December 2019 in India 1. Redmi K30 2. Xiaomi Mi Note 10 ...